Create a group meeting type with multiple attendees

Set the "maximum attendees" value in your meeting's scheduling rules.

Updated over a week ago

Looking to accommodate several attendees in one time slot? Appointlet's Group Meeting Type is your go-to solution for offerings like classes, seminars, group sessions, or events.


  • An active Appointlet account.

    • Group meetings hosted via free accounts may permit up to 5 attendees per meeting.

    • Premium subscribers may permit as many attendees per meeting as desired.

How It Works & Benefits

  1. Accommodate Multiple Attendees: Set up meetings suitable for groups or classes without time-slot overlaps.

  2. Dynamic Time Slot Management: When a time slot reaches its limit, it disappears from the scheduling page. If someone cancels, the slot reappears, ensuring optimal booking efficiency.

  3. Prevent Overbooking: By setting an attendee limit, you can ensure you don't get overwhelmed with too many participants.

Setup & Configuration

  1. Navigate to Pages Dashboard

    • Look for the New Meeting Type button and click on it.

  2. Name & Specify Meeting Type

    • You'll have the option to name your Meeting Type.

    • Designate it as a Class/Group meeting type by checking the box near the bottom of the window.

  3. Access the Meeting Type Editor

    • After creating the meeting type, click on its card on the Scheduling Page dashboard to further edit it.

  4. Set Maximum Attendee Limit

    • In the meeting type editor, go to Scheduling Rules.

    • Here, adjust the maximum attendee feature to set your desired limit for participants.

  5. Save & Share

    • Make sure to save your configured meeting type.

    • Share the link with your potential attendees, and they'll only see available time slots within the set limit.

Testing Your Setup

  • Share your scheduling page with a few colleagues or friends and ask them to make bookings. Ensure the time slots behave as intended based on the set attendee limit. You’re welcome to book multiple time slots yourself using your own email address.

Note: If you're aiming to assign several team members to a meeting type, please refer to this guide for a detailed walkthrough.

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