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Manage Meeting Details in the Meeting Drawer

Easily view and edit meeting information all in one location

Updated over 7 months ago

Meeting Drawer is your hub for viewing and editing meeting information including attendee details, meeting status, notes for your team, and more.

Accessing the Meeting Drawer

To view the meeting details, navigate to the Meetings tab and click on any meeting. The Meeting Drawer will expand from the right side of your screen. This view contains all the basic meeting information including the meeting type name, date and time, meeting location, and list of participants.

The status bar at the top of the Meeting Drawer indicates whether a meeting is confirmed (green), pending (yellow), concluded (grey), or cancelled (red).

You can reschedule or cancel a meeting by clicking the ellipses (...) at the top right corner to reveal these actions.

Viewing Attendee Details

Under the Attendees tab you'll find a list of meeting participants including the host and any non-host members that have been assigned to the meeting type and enabled in the Host Assignment menu. Be sure to review our Host Assignment guide to learn how to include additional team members when you get booked.

Below each attendee you'll find the answers they provided when filling out the custom fields on your intake form.

Hover your cursor over the globe icon to the right of any participant's name to view their time zone settings. This is a great way to keep track of each attendee's physical location so you can make a more personable introduction when it comes time to start the meeting.

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Updating Attendee Details

If you need to edit the time zone or any other attendee information, click the ellipses (...) to the right of their name and select Edit Info to make the necessary changes. A new window will appear where you can edit the attendee name, email, time zone, and intake form responses.

This comes in handy if an attendee either needs to make an adjustment or if they made a typo when filling out the intake form. Be sure to click Save Changes to finalize your edits.

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Changing the Capacity of a Group Meeting

This allows you to permit more or fewer attendees into a confirmed group meeting. This is especially helpful in the following scenarios:

  1. The demand for a group meeting is greater than anticipated, so the host may want to allow more people to join.

  2. A group meeting type was created with a higher capacity than intended and the capacity needs reduced to avoid overbooking team members.

Simply click the ellipses (...) in the top right corner of the meeting drawer and select Change Capacity. In the window that appears, you can increase or decrease the number of attendees allowed to join the currently selected meeting.

The new attendee capacity will be reflected in the pink "Attendees" header as well as on on the meeting entry in the Meetings list.

Important: Free users may set a maximum attendee capacity of 5 for group meetings, while premium users may set any capacity.

Adding Attendees to a Meeting

If you need to add someone else to a meeting that has already been scheduled, click "Add Attendee" below the list of current attendees.

In the window that appears, add the new attendee's email and name and confirm to invite them to the meeting. The invited attendee will receive a confirmation email indicating that they've been added to the meeting.

Scheduling Directly from the Dashboard

To book meetings on behalf of clients or team members, click "Schedule Meeting" at the top of the Meetings tab. In the window that appears, you'll be prompted to select which scheduling page to open before choosing a meeting type and time slot. This tool is an efficient way to schedule in the following scenarios:

  1. Clients book via phone, email, or in person without visiting your scheduling page.

  2. The meeting date and time depend on information the client provides on a form.

  3. A back-office employee should assign clients to the meeting host or team.

Meeting Notes

Select the Notes button to open the notes log and then click the box that reads Write a Note to start typing. Once you've typed out a note, click Add Note to publish it to the notes log.

Each note includes the profile image and name of the member who posted it, as well as a time stamp to indicate when it was added. Notes can be added before, after or during a meeting and are a great way to leave reminders for yourself or to keep your team up to speed if plans change. Click here to take a closer look at the Meeting Notes feature.

Approve or Decline Meeting Requests

With a premium subscription, you can enable Manual Approval for both one-on-one and group meeting types. This feature fires off a meeting request after the client completes the scheduling process rather than instantly confirming the meeting.

You can approve or decline pending requests in the Meeting Drawer by clicking the thumbs up (approve) or thumbs down (decline) icons beside each pending attendee. This method comes in handy if you need to screen each attendee's intake form responses individually before making your decision.

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Alternatively, you can quickly approve all attendees with a single click using the Approve All button at the top right of the pending attendees list. Click here to take a more detailed look at the manual approval setup steps.

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