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Integrate Office 365 + Outlook with Appointlet

How to connect your Office 365 account and configure Outlook calendars for scheduling

Updated over 5 months ago

Connecting an Office 365 or Outlook calendar allows you to track and manage your Appointlet meetings outside of the application, eliminating the need to log in to check your agenda. Whether operating alone or with a team, this integration makes controlling your schedule easy so you can focus on your priority tasks.

How the Integration Works

An integration between Office 365 and Appointlet is essentially a two-way conversation. Appointlet will add meetings to an Outlook calendar of your choice, while checking any others within your connected Office 365 account(s) for busy events to keep you from being double booked over your external commitments. Here's how Appointlet handles these actions:

  • Add new meetings to your calendar: When someone schedules with you, Appointlet will automatically add an event to your calendar.

  • Prevents double bookings: Appointlet will make sure that if you have existing events in your calendar, those times won’t be offered when users schedule with you.

  • Attendees receive invitations: After people schedule with you, they’ll get an invitation from Office 365 just as they would when you create an event manually.


In order to connect Office 365 to Appointlet, you’ll need one of the following:

  • account (with an, or domain)

  • Office 365 Business account (with a custom domain)

If you’re using a shared Office 365 account, you may need to confirm that your Workspace administrator has granted permission for third-party applications. You can view additional troubleshooting recommendations here.

Connecting Your Account

Integrating Office 365 and Appointlet is a simple 3-step process, outlined below:

  1. Select Settings from the left navigation bar in your Appointlet dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the Calendar Sync tab.

    Note: You can also access the calendar integration settings via the Calendar tab in the Availability menu.

  3. Click Connect next to the Office 365 + Outlook integration option and grant the requested permissions in the window that appears.

At this point, the connection is complete and you’re ready to begin configuring your calendars.

Configuring the Integration

Now that your Office 365 account is connected, it's time to configure how you want it to behave. Please see this guide for configuration instructions.

Testing the Integration

Before scheduling meetings with clients, it's helpful to test your new integration to make sure everything is working properly. Use the View Live tool at the top of your dashboard to open the live scheduler and book a test meeting.

Once you've scheduled your test meeting, navigate to your Outlook calendar and check to see if the event showed up in the calendar configured as your Meetings Calendar.

To ensure you've configured your Availability Calendar(s) correctly, create a calendar event within any of the Availability Calendars you've selected in Appointlet. Be sure to schedule it during your hours of availability.

Now, return to Appointlet and preview your live scheduling page again. You'll notice that the time slots overlapping with this busy event have been removed from your live scheduling page. Now you're ready to begin scheduling with improved visibility and control over your meetings!


If you’re having trouble connecting Office 365 or Outlook, you may want to reach out to your IT administration to ensure that permission has been granted to connect third-party applications. Keep in mind that side from Google Calendar, other calendar services like iCal/Apple Calendar are not supported. We've included some additional troubleshooting recommendations below:

Check Account Support

The first thing we recommend confirming is the service provider.

Appointlet currently supports Microsoft Office 365, which includes,, or hotmail calendar. Office 365 personal and family plans do not currently support integration with third party apps, so they are not eligible.

We do not support Microsoft Exchange or Outlook desktop software.

Log out of

Go to and if you are currently logged in, log out of that Office account. Then refresh the Appointlet page and try connecting the integration again. If all the previous conditions were true, you should be able to connect without any issue.

Lastly, you can try connecting the account from another IP address in case your office security features are too strict. Be sure to request permission from your company before doing so.

If you are still having issues connecting your Office 365 account, there is likely a network security feature blocking your integration request. You might also double check that you are using the correct username and password.

Use recommended browser

We recommend Chrome and Firefox for integrations. If you're using Safari, Microsoft Edge, or another browser, we have encountered some versions that have not been updated to support the OAuth integration protocol.

We don't recommend performing the integration on a mobile device, though it will work for some device and browser combinations.

Have IT admin turn on "User Consent"

Office 365 has an Admin-level concept called User Consent that must be turned on. Without that, your email calendar will not integrate with any third parties, including us.

Reconnect calendar if 2FA has been turned on

If your email calendar was previously connected but spontaneously disconnected, it could be that your email password changed or your email account admin turned on two-factor / multi-factor authentication. This is an account integration protocol that requires you to use a tertiary application to generate a secure passcode and verify that you are approved for access.

To remedy this, simply reconnect your email calendar. You won't need to make any updates to your account configuration in Appointlet.

If you’re having trouble getting Appointlet to reflect your availability in your calendar, please see this guide.

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